View our Frequently Asked Questions Below.

I have no internet connection.

Check if the Wi-Fi Modem is on. A Green connection light should be on. If the light is Orange, then check the power on the POE. That is the little black box that connects to the outside WiFi Dish. It has 2 wires on one side and 1 wire on the other going outside. It also has a light that should be “On“.

I cannot connect to anything.

Is your device connected to the correct Wi-Fi? If you are using a wired connection, make sure that it is securely plugged in at both the device and the Router.

Only some devices connect to the internet.

Check that the device is on the correct Wi-Fi network.
Check the Wi-Fi password.
Restart the device.

How can I change my W-Fi name?

To change your Wi-Fi name (SSID), you have to log into your router.

This is protected by a user name and password. You would have received that when your equipment was installed.


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